Boardman Dental
San Francisco, California

The client, a prosthodontist as well as creator of exquisite chocolates, requested an atypical dental office and had purchased a newly constructed commercial space that provided idiosyncratic spaces to match. The location for the future dental office occupies the far back of a deep San Francisco lot. A long hallway that is used solely for access to the office leads to the back of the building, where the view opens up onto a large deck and a bamboo wall.

The hallway is turned into an integral part of the office design, visually pulling forward elements of the office space, and emphasizing the difference between the approach and exit experience. The hallway is programmed as an art gallery, as well as access to the practice. In the office proper, the deck serves as the primary source of light around which layers of operatories and office spaces are situated. Glass walls of different translucencies form boundaries between spaces.